Love of film is just one passion in my life. This is the place where I publish all my other thoughts. ~RG

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The End of Allegiance

Federal Judge Rules Reciting Pledge in Schools Unconstitutional

This is unbelievable.

The Pledge of Allegiance was a daily ritual for me growing up in elementary school. Having gone to a religious private school (non-Catholic) it was performed just following morning prayer. You would think that as Christians we would have more vocal opinions against the Pledge. After all, isn't our sole devotion and allegiance suppose to go the King and Creator of the Universe? But we don't hear these outcries of injustice because most can clearly see that the Pledge of Allegiance is merely a statement patriotism. It is an appreciation and recognition of the freedom that many have fought and died for to create and sustain this country. The inclusion of "under God" affirms and recalls the fact that the founding fathers of this nation were firm belivers in an Almight God. Unfortunately, it seems things such as these are fast becoming relics of past generations. I'm not even sure if 1st through 8th graders were polled across the nation that 50% of them would know what the Pledge was, much less what it means.

The obvious solution, I think, is to state that the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance is and always will be strictly voluntary. You will not be held for treason for wishing to decline participation, but you will not be labeled a religious zealot for deisring to state your beliefs. If this happens the Pledge can then stand as another historic patriotic artifact in the realms of the Declaration of Indpendence, the Bill of Rights, and other such important American nostalgia sitting so quietly and sheltered in the Library of Congress.

Mr. Newdow's views of atheism should not be forced on those that believe in a holy God or those that have an overwhelming sense of national pride and respect for those who have built this country.

Mr Newdow,
I look forward to your long and arduos journey to eliminate this part of American history. Just think, once this battle is fought you have so many more to pursue including, but certainly not limited to, US currency, the Declaration of Independence, and prayer in Congress. Perhaps the US Supreme Court will construct a special courtroom just to hear your Establishment Clause issues complete with cardboard cut-outs of each of the Justices pre-recorded voices saying, "Case Dismissed".

A History of the Pledge of Allegiance



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