Love of film is just one passion in my life. This is the place where I publish all my other thoughts. ~RG

Thursday, May 18, 2006

One Man's Bible Blog

Having been raised Christian, I, much like the author of this blog, have not read the Bible in its entirety. I have, in my own defense, read many of the less "mainstream" accounts chronicled in its pages. I am not under the misimpression that the Book holds only happy tales of redemption, forgiveness, and eternal life. The characters are real, with names unchanged to document the guilty and emphasize the enormity of grace.

Therin lies the intrigue and the faith-filled mystery of its Divine inspirer.

While I don't agree with much that is said by the author I'm actually fascinated by some of his statements and find it quite an interesting endeavor to undertake and, in my opinon, worth a read.

If you missed the Blogging the Bible link in the text above, you can find it again here. Be sure to keep clicking through his follow-ups and not just the introduction.